Dashboard — editorial calendar, main workspace in Workflow.
Ticket — a file card with all the info regarding the publication and participants.
Ideas — a place to keep ideas for future posts.
Staff — full address book including editors, freelancers and experts.
Budget — section to follow expenses and explore analytics.
Help — answers to frequently asked questions.
What is Dashboard?
Dashboard is an editorial calendar. Here one plans posts, works on materials for publication and tracks the effectiveness of previous posts.
A ticket (sort of a file card) is the main element of Dashboard. The ticket date is the suggested deadline, and after publication the date become the published date.
What is Ticket?
Ticket is a file card of your post.
It can be generated from an idea in Ideas or created from Dashboard.
Any Workflow user can create a ticket, however usually it’s the executor or an Editor-in-chief.
Tickets shows the suggested headline, deadline, who’s responsible for the ticket and who else in on the team (incl. freelancers), expenses and status.