Getting started How to set up a space

How to set up a space

Making a Workflow account

There are several ways to sign up in Workflow:

  1. Select Workflow from our front page;
  2. Sign up from Setka Workflow page;
  3. Get invited by the space owner via email;


Workflow Space

Each editorial registered in Workflow has its space with the following services: Dashboard, Ideas, Staff, Budget (instrument for tracking expenses and viewing stats). Users can be granted different access rights to Workflow sections, depending on their role. On can limit the access rights of the editors and designers but grant full rights to the Editor-in-chief and the chief executives.


App settings

Basic settings

After creating the account we recommend you proceed to settings. Click on the userpic in the upper right corner and go to App Settings*.




*If you don’t see Settings in your profile  — it means you have limited access rights.

Settings can be edited by an Owner or a user with full access rights. One can change the project name here, link Workflow to your site, choose currency for calculating Budget. You can also add a URL for creating a post to integrate it with your site.



Basic settings

These are the settings you use while working with Dashboard and tickets.

Categories — your post categories. One can create new categories or edit the existing ones for all you posts and articles: News, Business, Culture, Cinema etc.

Professions — an instrument to manage roles inside your publication. Make a list of such roles and choose a distinctive emoji for each of them.

Tags — colourful tags for more categorization inside tickets. Add any number of tags depending on the types of articles in your publication: like “Moscow” or “Saint Petersburg” or “Special Project”. You can add several tags at once or leave the post without any.

Teams — managing staff teams and their Workflow access rights. You can add, rename or delete a team here, grant access rights to its members (“Permissions” tab), invite new workers (“invite member” button).

You can also suspend workers from their tasks for some time by switch the green option button. Such workers will not be able to log into the system and added to tasks.

Salaries — a page to keep records of staff salaries. Choose a team member, set a salary and the date when they began working. Fill in the vacation leave dates in Vacation, if needed. You can regain a deleted user in Deleted users.


Basic Settings can be edited by users with Limited Access.




Here you’ll find your API token and documentation on API integration.


To manage RSS set a URL to the RSS feed in the respected field.


If you want to track the number of views and effectively analyse expenses and resources, we recommend adding metrics from Yandex, Google or another provider.

Youtube integration enables tracking statistics on views.

Social networks

Set auto-publishing of a post in several social networks at once via Amplifr.


Integrate Workflow notifications in your Slack channel. Choose an existing channel or create a new one for Workflow notifications.

For integration with go to Integrations > > Сonnect

Follow the instructions to connect your Workflow account with analytics.


Subscription and Billing info

Manage your subscription and pay for the selected plan.